I would like consider 3 parameters to evaluate this Brand (Listerine) in Indian Market.
1. Product/ Brand Awareness- 15/100 Marks
2. Product Accessibility- 25/100 Marks
3. /Pricing/Affordability- 100/100 Marks
This is only for the Indian Market. The parameter may change in other markets.
Distribute this product (Listerine) through all Grocery outlets in addition to Medical shops and Dentists' Clinics.
Market this product with a human/ face/social outlook.
Run an essay competition for the schoolchildren, give Listerine Big bottles as the first prize for the winners, give away promotional coupon with six months validity for a first time, and repeat purchase for every participants. The news will spread to the parents and residential areas like wild fire. We can include B class schools too as they can afford this product and mouth odor is a social problem.
Use Affective Creative Strategy replacing today’s' mediocre creative high lighting product features.
V Bright Saigal