
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mahindras' Brand Logo needs a replacement

Mahindra's SUV 500 should change its logo. The present logo has tarnished the image of that vehicle. If it is replaced with a sleek Brand emblem it will get an international appeal and look. Learn from the other Brands. Mahindra's are still not sophisticated.


VBS –AdGuru

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Advertising Guru Speaking

Listerine Print ad appeared on The Times of India on 29th Jan-2012- the Caption is copied from another creative-came in 2006(Ref: The agency owes an apology to the Copy writer of the previous creative. This is not the first time copied Creative appears in India. But, I strongly feel John & Johnson should have verified it before approving. Listerine is a reputed brand I have been following for a long time. I had commented about Listerine's previous ad- as well as it was less informative.

Johnson & Johnson should be very careful ….your brand is reputed and you don't need Copied Creative ..

