
Sunday, July 6, 2014

We had developed to reduce Plaque and Bad Breathe-. What is the best way to launch this product to get maximum benefit and sale

Dear VBS,


We have a unique formula for a dental product that we had developed to reduce Plaque and Bad Breathe-. What is the best way to launch this product to get maximum benefit and sale, because there are many players already in the market? Pease advice.




Bad breathe is a social problem for many. It is said to be (the experts) caused by a form of Bacteria that live in your throat breeding on the food left over there. Many Doctors suggest brushing teeth after every meal. But, how many of us get time and equipped to do so in today’s fast paced world?


I would suggest you to add more benefits of convenience to your product.


Say, it is filled in the Tooth paste tube and blend with some tooth paste, so the people can use it one go when they brush in the morning. And, market it as a single product that solves multi problems.


Plaque and other dental problems are alaredy taken by the established tooth paste marketing companies and used in their message. If you use it you are a: me too product. But, mouth wash market got ample potential to be tapped. Because, still Mouthwash is a city based –urban middle class and above segment product in communication and distribution.


What about the rural segment?


They have money; they have acute mouth odor problems too. But, they rely on Mango leaves or neem stem.

Again, how to tap this market?


The solution is simple.

1.      Communicate- how the bad breathe can spoil  social life

2.      It can give bad impression.

3.      Your product is an effective solution

4.      Your product costs as low as any tooth paste-Brand-but multi benefits guaranteed.

For a rural consumer the rest of –communication like punch line and product statements are immaterial so long as he gets satisfaction-something your product should guarantee. rural wo



Media &Marketing


1.      POP

2.      Danglers

3.      Radio Ads- (mostly the farmers carry their radio with them in the farm fields and kept it on.)

4.      TV ads.

Product trial in the rural market after six in the evening and in the week end.




V Bright Saigal- Brand Doctor (PG-Advertising g- IIMC-Delhi)

C&MA- Brand Cliniq



Call: 91-9313004647  

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