
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Luis Philip & Peter England

The running Campaign of Peter England's concept is not different from that of Luis Philip campaign on Youth Segment while Monte Carlo Male Cardigan Ads are fantastic.

V Bright Saigal Creative Consultant

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Life Buoy -Wash Your Hand -Social Ads

This idea/concept is apt. Indian have no civic sense.
Now, I have another campaign idea:
Most of the uterus patients in India are the victims of their male partners' unhygienic attitude/culture.
Why cannot we do a social campaign for this social cause?
Men need a Social treatment for maintaining hygiene while treating woman for Uterus problems.
This campaign will be suitable for condoms promotion.
Tell the woman that condom save them from uterus problems.

V Bright Saigal

The luck arches the closing ozone

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ta-Ta Cars

TA-TA's needs more insight on innovation of their car segment. Their products are simply not sophisticated. They should concentrate on Heavy vehicle segments.

V Bright Saigal

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Market size -Oral Heigine in India

According to 4Ping, the Market size of oral hygiene product is Rs. 45 as compared to Rs. 2800 Cr. in the US. This calculation is a bit biased.
It is better to expand market size through marketing strategy. The figure given is just city based. According to me in a country like India a billion population and negligence in oral hygiene has potential for more sales. At least 60% of the Indian population is a potential target.

Door to door awareness marketing can be a solution. Again, the argument about therapeutic product category -Listerine is included in this category, so that marketing Listerine not like cosmetic products. Fine, but the argument has no standing.
You do not advertise the product; instead, create a brilliant awareness Press and TV campaign on oral Hygiene that is Sponsored by Listerine will do wonder.

V Bright Saigal

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Score for Listerine in Indian Market

I would like consider 3 parameters to evaluate this Brand (Listerine) in Indian Market.
1. Product/ Brand Awareness- 15/100 Marks
2. Product Accessibility- 25/100 Marks
3. /Pricing/Affordability- 100/100 Marks

This is only for the Indian Market. The parameter may change in other markets.

Distribute this product (Listerine) through all Grocery outlets in addition to Medical shops and Dentists' Clinics.
Market this product with a human/ face/social outlook.

Run an essay competition for the schoolchildren, give Listerine Big bottles as the first prize for the winners, give away promotional coupon with six months validity for a first time, and repeat purchase for every participants. The news will spread to the parents and residential areas like wild fire. We can include B class schools too as they can afford this product and mouth odor is a social problem.
Use Affective Creative Strategy replacing today’s' mediocre creative high lighting product features.  

V Bright Saigal

Friday, September 17, 2010

Market as a Mass Product not as a Niche Product

One has to market Listerine as a mass product rather than a niche product.
They need a different approach for marketing Listerine. Today the product is marketed in India as Gymk(g)hana Club Membership.

V Bright Saigal

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Listerine - latest Ad

Listerine s' latest Ad should have addressed the social problems due to mouth odor and how the product benefit helps the consumer to get rid of mouth odor...
The 25% toothbrush saga does not work.

V Bright Saigal

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Listerine's Marketing failure

They had to market Listerine as a cosmetic /dental product like Toothpaste than a typical Medial product. According to me, it failed to penetrate into the common person’s home though it is affordable and priced well. Shift Listerine from Medical shops to the grocery shops in the cities and distribute even in the villages.
Children's dental hygiene should be the Positioning it required.
Today only dentists and the people visit them are aware of the product though the people looking for a solution that can solve mouth odor problems. Moreover, we can promote the Brand amongst the smokers and Tobacco chewers.

V Bright Saigal