
Monday, April 28, 2014

When the campus interview takes place many of them are getting rejected

Dear VBS, confidence.



We are a Management Institute having many students who are studious and highly ambitious. However, when the campus interview takes place many of them are getting rejected. When we had interacted with the recruiters we were informed that they are poor in communication. The image of the institute is tarnished both in front of the students and the potential students and in front of the recruiters. How can we solve this problem? Please advice.




 You must have a good curricula and reputed teachers to impart knowledge, but, when I had visited your institute I found that the students were /are poor in English Communication something detrimental for their carrier. In a management institute the students are expected a better standard of communication skill always. Unfortunately your students are not educated in high profile English medium schools nor do they have any exposure to the management profession’s requirements of the day.


Now, we have to go for a Re-Branding task.


1.      First of all introduce English course for the students. You may find it difficult/absurd but a necessity today to re-Brand. The attributes which are missing to be replaced.

2.      Classes – 1-3 months Basic English

3.      Classes – 3 -6 months writing

4.      6-9 months- speaking

5.      Te last 3 months – Business and Management vocabulary.

Make sure the classes are conducted at least 2 days in a week for 75 minutes. The methodology suggested is Presentation model…vocabulary, grammar and communication. Make them speak in the class.


Last one month you should introduce Business English Communication to boost their fluency and confidence level. Conduct Mock interview sessions and GDs.


Once they are trough, you can invite the recruiters to the campus for interview. They will perform.

The image of the Institute will improve and the students will get better placements as well. Please remember, management is an elite profession and the students and the teachers should meet the expectation of the market, something they are failed to do till date.

When you do it and make it work for one time the Re-Branding of the institute is done and good companies will show up.



V Bright Saigal- brand Doctor and Creative Consultant9 PG- Advertising& PR- IIMC -Delhi)

C7Ma – Brand Cliniq

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C&MA Brand Consulting

Lullaby - A Collection of Poems &Stories


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Create a Brand identity for my Hair oil Product

Dear V BS,


I have a Product, a Hair Oil that would remove the problems of hair graying, hair fall and other problems. I have been marketing it through the outlets offering them good incentives and doing well. But, the brand is not growing as a repudiated Brand. There are many brands in the market. How can I give it a boost? Please advice.



I have seen the product you sent to me and I would like confess that testing this product will take at least six months trial on selected candidates who are interested to participate in this test. Unfortunately one bottle of oil will not be sufficient and the time taken to test the product may not be at your convenience and expectations.

Still, I would like to enumerate a few tips that would help you to give hype for your product to help plunge in to the Brand level.


1.      Brand to be familiar with the end consumer.

2.      Brand features and USP would be properly communicated.

3.      Brand attributes to be outstanding if it is there or you have to create some.

4.      Brands should have a logo-and a Brand statement to retain an identity.

5.      Brands should be visible everywhere where the end consumer will search for the similar products.

6.      Brand must be available in the nearest outlets of the consumer.

7.      Brand should be communicated properly and effectively so tat people come to know about it.

Now, ask yourself how many of the above mentioned parameters you met and you have to meet.


1.      Brand familiarity needs trial of the products. Either give it for free or a discounted rate.

2.      Brand features – see which attributes are rare in your product and high light it.

3.      The product should be complaint free.

4.      Get a logo designed and color scheme selected and create bottle and packaging with them.

5.      POP and danglers...Radio ads will help in Brand familiarity.

6.      Boost distribution through the existing or the new distributors.

7.      Create an advertising campaign if possible and make sure they are relayed in different channels and media where your potential target audience is crowded.


V Bright Saigal –Brand Doctor and Creative Consultant

C7MA Brand Cliniq


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C&MA Brand Consulting

Lullaby - A Collection of Poems &Stories


Friday, April 18, 2014

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Monday, April 14, 2014

The actual sale takes place when a sales outlet pushes our brand, Is it a sound strategy?

Dear VBS,


I want to launch a fairness cream in the market. Though we are having pretty good sale through the network of sales outlets across India we end up paying 40% discount or margin. Moreover, we give a lot of indirect publicity. However, none heard about our products, the actual sale takes place when a sales outlet pushes our brand, because they will earn a fairly good margin. Is it a sound strategy? Please advice.



I saw your product which you had given me and first of all I would appreciate its packaging and color you have used. You have done a wonderful job.


To get your product tested, I had given it to our maid and asked her to use it for two weeks and get back to me. I waited for a fortnight. Later, she informed me that the product was good and being a dark complexion girl I could find some changes too whenever she visit us.


What you actually need is Branding Communication.


The market is over crowded with fairness cream Brands, I personally believe that even men are obsessed with fairness. May be female competition in the Corporate sector might have compelled these male folks to try fairness to keep their job running and hearth smoking for two times meal.


The market is thick for this product and Branding and acquiring market size is a challenge.

No doubt.


Market size




Market share

Rs.1500-1800 Cr.

Garnier light





Fair & Lovely





Cavin Care- Fair Ever





Market growth-15-20%


The Dabur Uveda Complete Fairness Cream with SPF 20 and the Dabur Uveda Lightening and Radiance Mask.

They not only give instant fairness in 15 minutes, but also help in removing tan, breathe new life into the skin by removing dead cells and unclog the pores,













Fair one





Fair ever










Most of the consumers prefer HLL's 'Fair & Lovely' fairness cream.  The awareness level of it was also higher for this brand.  Consistent portion of them also prefer Cavin Kare's 'Fairever' and were aware of it.  Only very few consumers prefer brands like Vicco, No marks, Fair and Handsome and Fair glow.  Most of the consumers buy fairness creams in order to get 'fairness'.  TVCs play an important role in creating awareness towards various brands of fairness creams.

Target Audience:

Below 25 age group – 35%

Between 25-35        - 42%

35+                           -11%


Male- 25%

Female- 75%


School & College going- 56%

Working & House wife- 35%



I would suggest you to launch this product though a TV commercial in Tamil Nadu. Though your suggestion of Bihar may be a good idea, but the economy of two states are different in line all together. Tamil Nadu is better developed and sound economy whereas Bihar is a remittance economy. The Tamil community is obsessed with fairness as compared to the Biharwalas. The spending habit of Tamil on cosmetic items is better as they have the complexion issue ever since.

Fem was launched in the southern market and it is one of the milking cows for the Company now. Let us have a shot.


Make sure that Radio ads in AIR are done well too. Because, the local radio of All India Radio gives better coverage as compared to its FM counterparts. TV Commercial should focus on not only the fairness, it should highlight the time frame one can attain fairness and it should be permanent. If the product has some features in this attributes we have to high light them.


 Danglers will do wonder at all outlets. Also open a Facebook page and run a competition and send mailers in which attach coupons for discounts for any repeat purchase.  POP should be designed well and visible on every sales outlet.


Try to sponsor some woman’s programs to get Brand recognition. From there we will take it to another state. We may need a six months program to get a little market share.




V Bright Saigal Brand Doctor & Creative Consultant (PG-Advertising &PR-IIMC –Delhi) C&MA Brand Cliniq Books:


C&MA Brand Consulting

Lullaby - A Collection of Poems &Stories


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

We are launching a Tourism Magazine, but so far we couldn't manage to get ads for the Magazine.

Dear VBS,

We are launching a Tourism Magazine, but so far we couldn’t manage to get ads for the Magazine. Could you please guide us?


Print Media is struggling and the industry is in a very bad shape. And you have launched a niche magazine which is competing with the established brands Like “Lonely Planet”. Many media houses and Book sellers have pulled down their shutter with the emergence of the online media- the future of the future.

I would suggest you to focus on the content. Add the important brief information of the strategic locations –of tourism spots and reserve the face page for the content.

 The back page you start a classified section. The way TOI and HT doing these days. 90% of their revenue now comes from Real estate and classifieds.

Every page can carry 12 visiting card size ads for which you can charge Rs.700/- each- total page will give you Rs.8400/- revenue. If the tooltip ads in the Magazine are around 20 pages- for example – you will earn Rs.1 lac.

This would help you to float in the market and survive till the circulation and readership catches up to invite the big brands to consider you to give their ads.

Till then go like this.


1.       Tourist places –locations

2.       Eateries

3.       Travel info.

4.       Travel agencies

5.       Hotels

6.       Inns

Sales and other events to be added. It should be monthly information packed Magazine that would be a guide for the Foreigners and other visitors.



V Bright Saigal- Brand Doctor & Creative consultant (PG- Advertising7 PR-IIMC –Delhi0

C& MA Brand Cliniq



C&MA Brand Consulting

Lullaby - A Collection of Poems &Stories